
Activities 2022
2022 Activities calendar

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Next Presentations:

Creation Residence
De voz, un cuerpo/Voice, Body
Leonor Leal
On 27/07/2024 at 19:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)

Creation Residence
KIN (parentesco)
Baal Dansa
On 07/09/2024 at 19:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)

Collaboration with Teatre Ateneu de Celrà
AURÓ (provisional title)
Paula Ramis – Annaïk Juan-Torres
On 27/09/2024 at 20:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)

Mal Pelo
On 30/10/2024 at 20:00 in El Canal (Salt)

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 Creation Residence
De voz, un cuerpo/Voice, Body

L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 20/07/2024 to 27/07/2024
Presentation :
On 27/07/2024 at 19:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)

Leonor Leal
( Leonor Leal )

De voz, un cuerpo is a performance project with four musicians and a dancer. Together they will compose a sound track based on research begun by Leonor Leal at the end of 2022. This sound track will be the fruit of a free interpretation of the testimonies of women (former flamenco dancers) who described to Leonor their inner images as they danced.

There are few texts written by flamenco dancers, rather than essays on dance or biographies. There are few bodies that have published their internal images, based on their personal observations that have helped them to dance better. Practice is full of tangible material for our bodies, words that resonate one day in our learning process and change our vision, lines of light, lines on the floor, in sound, on our skins, ideas, sensations, temporary parameters, silences, gestures, prayers, invocations of other bodies, melodies, remedies and even entire conversations in the solitude of our bodies on this art that has always seemed from the outside to be mute.

 Programa Tapete Común

L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 22/07/2024 to 03/08/2024

Colectivo Entre Corpdes
( Colectivo Entre Corpdes )

KANKARRO fuses aerial dance-theatre with something as down to earth as cookery, though suspended in the air.
This piece is inspired by the cyclical process of organic material and by awareness of local and ecological consumption, offering the public a delicious seasonal aperetif made live and adapted to local cuisine.

 Creation Residence

L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 26/07/2024 to 31/07/2024

Laia Santanach
( Laia Santanach )

JARANA is the third part of the trilogy of work by this company for whom traditional collective practices are the main concepts underlying their research into contemporary dance as a vehicle for communication in dialogue with live electronic music, in relation to the space they inhabit.


L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 29/07/2024 to 10/08/2024

Paula Ramis
( Paula Ramis )

Terra de Fuga is the title of Paula Ramis’ final piece of work for her degree. It is a short solo in which she explores what a landscape is for her, the identities of people, spaces and times and the relationship between them. Through movement of her body, voice, music and drawing she hopes to discover and travel through the infinite, constantly changing layers that form landscapes, from the most familiar to the imaginary.

 Writing Residence

L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 05/08/2024 to 17/08/2024

Xavier BobésAlberto Conejero
( Xavier BobésAlberto Conejero )

The starting point for our second meeting as creators is the poem “Childhood and Death” by Federico García Lorca. It is one of the so-called “orphan poems” from the cycle Poet in New York because, though it was written at the same time and could have been included in the book, it was in the end discarded from the version which Lorca submitted to be published in 1936. It was decades before the poem was published, by the poet’s friend Rafael Martínez Nadal, in the 1970s. He told how Lorca gave him the manuscript with the following note: “So you can see how I am feeling.”

 Creation Residence
Ensayos para Nada Y Ave (5º pasaje)

L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 14/08/2024 to 25/08/2024

Mónica Valenciano 
( Mónica Valenciano  )

During this residency we shall embark on a new encounter between the members of the G.I.B. (Dance Research Group), where we explore and delve into the different aspects of language, as a means of accessing the voice of the body and its poliphony.
We shall focus on practice based on removing obstacles to movement and its circulation, so as to encourage perceptive contact in a set of relationships that can capture, receive and transmit the instant and its resonance.
Reaching the body hidden within the dancing body and channeling this to harnonise intuition with time in action.

 Creation Residence
KIN (parentesco)

L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 02/09/2024 to 07/09/2024
Presentation :
On 07/09/2024 at 19:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)

Baal Dansa
( Baal Dansa )

A science fiction story, a speculative, futuristic fable that pulls on the threads of the stories and theories of Donna Haraway and Vinciane Despret (philosophers, theorists, writers and eco-feminisits).
In this project we want to explore possible, crazy futures in response to the challenges we face in human relations, technology and on the planet Earth.

The fable is set in a world on the threshold of apocalypse, where resources are running out, global warming is a realiaty and nature responds with force to the challenges it faces.
Despite this situation we seek, as Haraway says, how to “stay with the trouble” through the multi-species, in which the human being, thanks to genetic modification, will trans-mutate with a species of the planet so as to feel more deeply our connection with the non-human, and so cease to be the main protagonist and destructor of the Earth.

This symbiosis will also be the main theme of our research, in which interaction between the visible and invisible will be essential in the relationship body - sound - space - object - technology.

 Collaboration with Teatre Ateneu de Celrà
AURÓ (provisional title)

L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 09/09/2024 to 14/09/2024
Presentation :
On 27/09/2024 at 20:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)

Paula RamisAnnaïk Juan-Torres
( Paula RamisAnnaïk Juan-Torres )

Second stage of the process of these two creators and performers for the creation of a duo, to develop a performance piece in 2024-25.

L’animal continues to support young artists from the region, a line of work begun a few years ago that we hope to expand in future. The artistic and creative standards of the dancers of Celrà (Gerona) require support at the moment when they leave training to enter the professional world.

Tools for Action

L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 16/09/2024 to 20/09/2024

Mal Pelo
( Mal Pelo, Pep Ramis, María Muñoz )

Mal Pelo offers a workshop in which to try out the mechanisms of action and what they may unleash. A look at movement and writing with the body in action.

Precision, duration, commitment, intensity, silence, absence, presence, punctuation, habitability, surrender, phrasing, punctuation, linearity, temporality, musicality, rhythm, writing - these are some of the terms that we shall be questioning during this course.

Carry out an action.
Carry out movements and gestures to make something understood.
Activate a mechanism.

Mal Pelo workshops are given by the company’s two co-directors, though both may not be present at any given session.


Tools for Action

L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 23/09/2024 to 27/09/2024

Mal Pelo
( Mal Pelo, Pep Ramis, María Muñoz )

Mal Pelo offers a workshop in which to try out the mechanisms of action and what they may unleash. A look at movement and writing with the body in action.

Precision, duration, commitment, intensity, silence, absence, presence, punctuation, habitability, surrender, phrasing, punctuation, linearity, temporality, musicality, rhythm, writing - these are some of the terms that we shall be questioning during this course.

Carry out an action.
Carry out movements and gestures to make something understood.
Activate a mechanism.

Mal Pelo workshops are given by the company’s two co-directors, though both may not be present at any given session.


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