Creation Residence  
O.V.N.I (Objectes Varis No Identificats)
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 11/04/2016 to 17/04/2016
Presentation :
On 16/04/2016 at 19:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)

Big Bouncers
( Cecilia Colacrai, Mireia de Querol, Anna Rubirola )

The BIG BOUNCERS’ new project, O.V.N.I (objectes varis no identificables)/UFOs (Unidentified Free Objects) aims to explore the relation between object / body / context / meaning, unfolding possible imaginings that emerge from the combination or alteration of their relations.
Starting with the idea of changing the function of the different elements, we will focus on making visible the moment when they are no longer identifiable. At this moment the possibility of opening up the imagination appears, enabling us to create new meanings and play with what is possible, expanding the limits of reality.
We think that reality cannot be understood from one particular point of view and for this reason we want to reveal the muliplicity of visions and the transformation of meaning.

Anna Rubirola , Cecilia Colacrai and Mireia de Querol are choreographers resident in Barcelona. At the moment they manage the activities of the Associació La Visiva and they are part of the new project La Caldera. They all have a trajectory as choreographers, making their own work or in collaboration with other artists, as well as in teaching dance. The Collective received the Premi Sebastià Gasch, Aplaudiment a la creació emergent, FAD 2015, for the piece BIG BOUNCE.
They began working together in May 2012, sharing interests and developing a common practice, with the goal of researching and deepening their knowledge in the field of movement and performance, and also of generating their own working methodology. From the begining of their work as a collective, they have developed three diferent lines of action: the creation of pieces for stage, the creation of performances for “site-specific” non-conventional spaces and education.
Their work so far includes: Big Bounce (2013), Big Bounce Site Specific (2013), Doppelgänger (2014), I see a spider on the wall (2014).

Photography: Tristán Pérez-Martín