Creation Residence  
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 01/01/2014 to 11/01/2014
Presentation :
On 11/01/2014 at 19:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)

Xavier Bobés, Playground
( Xavier Bobés, Playground )

After a process of researching materials mainly on his own, and after several presentations of the "work in progress", with the extracts Inventari at L'animal a l'esquena and Bolero: el part at Bhum! and Festival Temporada Alta during 2013, in January Xavi Bobés will hold a residency with his team of collaborators with the aim of explaining the initial dynamic of the work to them so as to incorporate the different artistic disciplines in relation to the space, the objects, the body, light and sound.

The aims followed during the process of creation and script-writing during 2013, which will continue in this residency, are:

1) Creation of a monster: design, drawing, construction, plans. Observation of the monster using the body as an object of study: its expressivity, confrontation with oneself.
Creation of a metaphorical situation between the two previous dramatic actions: an individual exposes him or herself to the study of his/her own body and, using it a work tool, dissects him/herself in order to understand him/herself. He is his own alchemist. His own world allows glimpses of landscapes.

2) Constant transformation of the performance space: from an empty space occupied by reflections of reality (using suggested fluorescent lighting) to a physical structure for manipulation, represented by a pattern-cutting table, and finally the projection of shadows in some sequences.

3) The need to dismantle the body to achieve the desired projection of the self, the transformation of a particular body into a generic body.

4) Reinterpretation of the quote by Marguerite Yourcenar: "Stroll around your own prison".

The team taking part during this period:

Pep Aymerich
Research into and manipulation of the chosen props, a table for cutting patterns and measuring instruments, to enable the construction on stage of a surgical table where the will of humankind will be dissected.

Santi Vilanova, Eloi Maduell and David Sarsanedas
Beginning the research into different technological interfaces to enable interaction with the action on stage.

Eric de Sarria
Research into the body's capacity for disassociation and the involvement of the gaze.

Pablo Rega
Creation of the soundscape using the sounds of the objects, recording of a string quartet and research into the concept of dissection, accumulation and repetition.

Photography: Jordi Bover