Creation Residence  
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 19/08/2013 to 31/08/2013

Joan Català
( Joan Català )

The aim of this residency at L'animal a l'esquena is to put the finishing touches to the street performance Pelat (Stripped Bare) before its premiere at the Fira de Tarrega 2013.

The project consists, on the one hand, of individual physical work to give shape to and research the "object', a log, and its relation to the human. On the other, it involves collective work with the people watching the show. This encounter is based on play, work, movement, listening and the responsibility of messing about with a tree trunk and working towards something ephemeral.

The piece plays around with dance, proximity, childhood memories, risk, urban space, the circus, organic matter, responsibility, a tree trunk, and some people.