Creation Residence  
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 13/08/2012 to 02/09/2012

Germán Jauregui
( Germán Jauregui )

The starting point for Confession is the idea of hope, where it is to be found today, how it manifests itself and what steps humankind should take to reach out for it. Hope as an act of nonconformity and spiritual revolution that frees us from a merely passive attitude of waiting or of acceptance of its absence.

The residency will be one of the first phases in the creative process for the show Confession. The project originated in Germán Jauregui's residency in 2006, when various ideas and proposals arose, as well as notes that were not taken further at the time, with the aim of returning to them at a later date. The starting point will be to go back to this material so as to develop it, allowing the intervening time to act as a filter, listening to it and testing out its validity in a new context in order to use it as the backbone of the creative process for the piece. The idea is to create a space in which text, movement and music coexist, weaving together to show the tension of this vital and necessary quest.