Research Residence  
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 30/07/2012 to 12/08/2012

Los corderos
( Los corderos )

Loscorderos, SC feel a need to tackle new approaches to the company's creative work, from a fresh angle. Given that their performance language, though not fully formed, has a marked character and particular nature of its own, they would now like to enter this language into a dialogue, to relate to other performance languages. The idea is to open up this conversation with other creators so as to look into different ways of understanding creation and the stage, in the hope of providing creative and artistic nourishment to both parties.

Both directors of the company would also like to work on the direction of a piece without being involved in the performance. For this they will have performers with whom they have already collaborated closely and can now deepen their relationship. The work will focus on a solo.

These sessions will form the embryo or testing stage for a future production by David Climent and Pablo Molinero, who founded the company in 2003 with the piece Crónica de José Agarrotado (Chronicle of José Agarrotado, Apaluso Sebastià Gasch prize, 2006). That was followed by El hombre invisible (The Invisible Man, 2007), Tocamos a dos balas por cabeza (Two Bullets Each, 2008), El mal menor (The Lesser Evil, 2009) (Unimm prize, 2011) and El cielo de los tristes (The Sky of the Sad, Temporada Alta 2011) (Cenit 3rd prize, 2011). In all these pieces one can appreciate the creation of a contemporary, edgy language of their own and exceptional physical technique.