Research Residence  
Salón Otto
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 16/07/2012 to 27/07/2012
Presentation :
On 27/07/2012 at 20:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)

Cia. Teresa Navarrete
( Cia. Teresa Navarrete )

While the company's previous production Otra manera de encontrarse (Another Way of Meeting) suggested situations in which language became a diffuse tool of contact, with no allowance for going deeper into the understanding between the people who appeared in it, Salón Otto does provide that human refuge of solidarity, shelter and protection against adverse reality, spaces of calm. L'animal a l'esquena is the starting point for the creative process of this new project. "An ideal place as regards its artistic concept, physical space and human factors; a favourable place for the start of a work process, offering many possibilities for a fruitful and empowering artistic residency". The aesthetic and temporal concepts behind the work of the Teresa Navarrete Company include elements that connect with aspects offered by L'animal a l'esquena, so that this first stage is full of anticipation and potential. It is intended that the process should continue until 2013.

 288/1 Activity Announcement [Text > Cat] (27/07/2012)