Creation Residence  
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 06/09/2010 to 08/10/2010
Presentation :
On 08/10/2010 at 20:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)

María Muñoz
( María Muñoz )

The basic structure of each of our bodies has been built around names. To name, in this sense, is to carve out the desire to decipher what I am, what I belong to and therefore defines me.

ALL THE NAMES, a journey of discovery among the names that make up this particular body, that inhabit and project it.

In this process María Muñoz will use the information that lies in the body, deposited in each of us over the years through names.

Following on from BACH, María Muñoz will continue her solo performance work in 2010 with this new project, Mal Pelo's third solo piece.

Names: designation and my confirmation through and among them. Names that construct, accompany, teach, surround, decide, illuminate.

The framework of names sculpts an environment for and from the body.

These companions help build our point of view, deciphering and protecting visions (interpretations) of worlds and universes.

Determined long, long ago...names still maintain that pulse of belonging they are born with, to build surroundings and realities.

We are all names.

Joining her will be Portuguese composer and improviser Nuno Rebelo and English composer and improviser Steve Noble. Ben Heinzel Lichtwark and Pep Ramis in the space design. Magali Rousseau, in the construction of sound objects. The general idea of a space where objects contain sound, a space that comes alive, a musical space.

The lighting design will be lit by August Viladomat, possibly using sound-objects also as light-objects. A space reverberating with words, sound and light that comes from within the stage. Alex Polls' sound design will help achieve this aim of creating a stage "inhabited"by names.