Creation Residence  
Cámara oscura
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 16/08/2010 to 22/08/2010

Ángeles Ciscar
( Ángeles Ciscar, Hansel Nezza, José María Marín )

"Cámara oscura" is a video-dance interactive installation that is inspired in the optical device of the dark chamber (Cámara oscura), and in concrete the tower Tavira from Cadiz.

This project takes impulse in the laboratory Instalaciones Interactivas entorno al cuerpo y al movimiento that took place last October 2009 in l'Animal a l'Esquena. This residence offers the opportunity to put into practice, investigate, rehearse and test all the choreographies that later will be recorded as the video sequences for the installation.CAMARA OSCURA és una instal·lació interactiva de video-dansa que té com a model de presentació pública el dispositiu òptic de càmera fosca i en concret la torre Tavira de Cadis. Aquest projecte pren impuls al laboratori Instal·lacions Interactives entorn del cos i al moviment que va tenir lloc el passat mes d'octubre de 2009 a les instal·lacions de l'Animal a l'Esquena. Aquesta residència ens ofereix l'oportunitat de posar en pràctica, investigar i assajar totes les coreografies necessàries per gravar posteriorment les seqüències del vídeo de la instal·lació definitiva.

"...Imagine far from any look or danger, imagine that your sight is like an eagle flying throughout the valley, imagine that you have a panoramic view from the world and you are there, protected in your watchtower. Imagine that you can see without being seen, that you can see as far or close as you want without moving from your place, imagine that you can see somebody and all his life opened in time, imagine that every moment of this life happens at the same time. Imagine that you can see it all, caching all this time.
The piece questions the fragile mechanisms of perception that we use to construct our identity, as social group and as individuals. Puts in evidence that our perception is build from the union of fragments, that this union implies a selection and that this selection implies always an interest. The perception allows multiplicity of visions and every vision has always an implicit intention. Being conscious of this manipulation we can learn to catch the moral value of the interests that enunciate realities. We can understand why it is frustrating, first to understand ourselves second to understand the social group were we are and finally the relation with other societies."