Research Residence  
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 09/08/2010 to 14/08/2010
Presentation :
On 14/08/2010 at 20:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)

Vicent Gisbert
( Vicent Gisbert, Marc Martínez )

Today, tecnological developments that invades us, provide to the society a wide variety of changes that continuously determine their fate. Among all these changes, it is interesting to observe how it has changed the relationship between man and the physical space and his interaction in society. Internet, for example, has allowed the emergence of new patterns of socialization through the construction of a new non-physical space: the network. There are new links based on a relationship style almost independent of the places, where you lose the value of physical contact as a means to establish and develop our lives in society.

'Habitáculo' ('Dwelling')starts from the consideration offered by this reality. A project to regain the importance of physical space as a meeting place, as a means to interact face to face. An attempt to exploit the fact coincide with other elements in the same place and time, specifying a system of relations. One way to approach a more primitive state of man, in which the physical contact with everything around him, becomes an indispensable tool for his development.

The period of residence in L'animal al'esquena will get to develop these objectives using the following instruments:

. A physical space, an enclosure intended to be occupied. A "habitáculo".
. Some objects to establish and develop relations systems mentioned in the previous section. An "artificial society"consisting of 18 bottles.
. An individual with his mind, body and movement. These three elements allow him to search and generate interactions with objects and space.
. A book. "Hagakure" de Yamamoto Tsunetomo (1716). about the code of conduct of the ancient warriors in Japan.
. An audiovisual language, introduced to experiment and construct other realities.

"Yasuda Ukyo made a comment about the custom of offering the last cup: that the only important thing is the end.
Our whole life must be like that. When the guests leave, it is essential to show regret for his departure. If it misses this spirit, seems that we are bored, and the conversation of the day and evening have been in vain. It is essential to address in a spirit of freshness all dealings with people. We must always give the impression that we are doing something exceptional.
It is said that this is possible by simply applying a bit of wisdom."

Yamamoto Tsunetomo (1716). Excerpt from the book "Hagakure".