Creation Residence  
L'autisme del jo
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 25/04/2008 to 27/04/2008

Pep Aymerich
( Pep Aymerich, Quim Paredes )

L'animal a l'esquena is collaborating with video artist Pep Aymerich in the accomplishment of his Project L'autisme del Jo that will be presented next 4th December at the Casa de Cultura of Girona. Both, Pep Aymerich and Quim Paredes will be visiting L'animal a l'esquena from the 25th until the 27th of April in order to do some video recordings related to this project.

The video art will address the introspection of the "me", the autism and the disability of communication that we allow within ourselves.

177/1 DVD result of the work after the residence in L'animal a l'esquena. It contains performances and videos of the exhibition was held in Casa de Cultura de Girona from December 15th 2008 to January 10th 2009. [Video > 1h ] (15/12/2008) 
177/2 Booklet on L'autisme del jo [Text > Cat / Eng] (27/05/2008)