Research Residence  
Projecte de Recerca Pedagògica (PRP)
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 01/08/2008 to 10/08/2008

Aimar Pérez Galí
( Aimar Pérez Galí )

During this writing residency Aimar Pérez Galí will continue developing the Pedagogic Research Project, started in 2007.

PRP is a research project in the field of dance pedagogy based on revisiting the traditional and contemporary methods of the transfer of the movement's knowledge, proposing an alternative to these methods, offering a space for reflection and discussion as well as a space for investigation and practice.

This project operates on different levels: a questionnaire sent to more than 30 teachers and pedagogues both national and international, a line of debates hosted in La Caldera (Barcelona) during autumn 2008 and the creation of a pedagogic game that proposes an alternative to the contemporary methods called Pandora.

159/1 Rehearsal + Interview [Video > 35min Cast / Cat] (07/07/2007)