Research Residence  
Representación, presentación, impresentable
L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà)
From 25/06/2007 to 30/06/2007

Marta Galán
( Marta Galán, Cia. Amaranto )

Marta Galán calls for the cia. Amaranth to initiate a process of reflection on the dynamics and possibilities of the " dramaturgy actoral " as tool for general scenic and textual materials. The meetings works fix the attention on the "paradoxes of the representation", in the existing abyss between reality and its representations. The aim is to propose scenic and artistic alternatives to talk about these abysses. To refer to the "unpresentable" that does not have anything edifying nor complaisant (neither for the artist, nor for the public). In the second part of the residence, Marta Galán summons Judith Saula + cia. Amaranth in order to restate the scenic materials from the piece 'The Dog', premiered in 2006 at the Mercat of them Flors.

125/1 Residence [Video > 35min Cast] (27/06/2006) 
125/2 Activity pictures [Image > 4 ] (30/06/2007)