Absent Interfaces Project 2008-2010
"researching fresh artistic and critical approaches to the relationship between live performance and new media technologies"
Absent Interfaces is an international project initiated in 2005, seeking to encourage the creation of new artistic creations on the basis of the following two principles: establish relations between live performances and new media technologies; to take a critical posture with the modes of their own productions and/or creations. A series of activities including labs, residencies, workshops, seminars and presentations (publication, exhibition and performance/ installation) are currently being planned for the period 2008-2010 by four international partners: L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà/ Girona), Centre for Dramatic Arts (Zagreb), Bodig (Istanbul) and Deep blue (Brussels), with the collaboration of TanzQuartier (Wien).
The general aim of the activities of Absent Interfaces is to develop and support the creation process of the artists; taking into account that the artists themselves will define the specific research content. This process will remain open to production in multiple formats, as well as the possibility of periods of non-production. The confluence of the diversity of cultural contexts as well as other fields of knowledge (vis a vis specialist lectures, etc.) will determine prominently the stimulation of new ideas and creativeness in the project. An important dimension of Absent Interfaces is the documentation and dissemination of the results of the investigation alongside the presentation of the creations.
2009 |
Creation Residence Absent Interfaces |
![]() L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà) From 01/07/2009 to 11/07/2009 Presentation : On 11/07/2009 at 19:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà) Heine Avdal, deepblue ( Heine Avdal, deepblue, Yukiko Shinozaki, Fabrice Moinet ) In this residence, as part of Absent Interfaces (2008-2010), the creator Heine Avdal, member of the Belgium collective deepblue, will continue with his project Field works. Which seeks to infiltrate different terrains and strata of society with creative work. The process will be comprised of the creation of poetic approaches based on the inherent characteristics of different social environments (in the case of L'animal a l'esquena, the rural environment). The body will be placed in unknown areas in order to investigate what ways these environments affect the body in movement. These Field works will establish the basis for a new project, provisionally titled, "Graph", that will be produced for 2010 in collaboration with Yukiko Shinozaki.
This residence is part of the apap network and Absent Interfaces project. |
2008 |
Seminar Absent Interfaces |
![]() L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà) From 14/10/2008 to 18/10/2008 Presentation : On 17/10/2008 at 17:00 in Centre Cultural La Mercé (Girona) On 18/10/2008 at 11:00 in Centre Cultural La Mercé (Girona) Toni Cots, Heine Avdal, Christoph De Boek, Alain Baumann, Rosa Sanchez, Aylin Kalem, Scott deLahunta, Roc Parès, Stella Veciana, Marina Garcés, Ibrahim Quraishi, Marion Traenkle, Zeljko Blace ( ) Encounters between creative and theoretical practice.
L'animal a l'esquena, in collaboration with Scott de Lahunta, is inviting proposals by the different artistic teams of Absent Interfaces for individual meetings with 'expert' theoretical practitioners. The basic idea is to develop a series of 'input' sessions between artists/practitioners and theoreticians/scholars on a public frame. However the choice of 'expert' is left up to the individual artist (or collaborative team). The aim is an encounter with new information from a discipline that might inform and/ or interfere, stimulate and/ or confront the artists practice. The specific content area should fit inside the frame of Absent Interfaces. |
Creation Residence Absent Interfaces |
![]() L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà) From 14/07/2008 to 26/07/2008 Presentation : On 26/07/2008 at 19:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà) Aylin Kalem, Beliz Demircioglu Cihandide ( Aylin Kalem, Beliz Demircioglu Cihandide ) Beliz Demircioglu Cihandide, multimedia artist/choreographer, will work with researcher/curator Aylin Kalem and a dancer. Both artists are Turkish and will work on a dance piece in progress about looking at a deep cut. The piece concentrates on looking at the things that don't seem to be missing but actually are. The way to bind what seems only bonded on the surface is to cut even deeper. During the residence different possible ways of creating metaphors will be experimented through movement, real surgery videos, text and sound. This performance will be premiered at the Bodig 2008 Istanbul Festival.
This residency is part of the Absent Interfaces Project 2008-2010. www.bodig.org |
Creation Residence Absent Interfaces |
![]() L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà) From 20/01/2008 to 03/02/2008 Presentation : On 02/02/2008 at 19:00 in L'animal a l'esquena (Celrà) Andrea Bozic ( Andrea Bozic, Julia Willms, Robert Pravda ) Andrea Bozic, Croatian choreographer, worked with Austrian video artist Julia Willms and Serbian music composer Robert Pravda on the initial research for Nothing Can Surprise Us - a performance that will be premiered at the Gasthuis/Frascati Theatre in Amsterdam in June 2008 with further performances in autumn of the same year. For this project they dealt with predicting the future and preparing for it by rehearsing possible future catastrophic scenarios. These scenarios were taken from a number of films, then embodied and performed live. Bozic, Pravda and Willms worked at L'animal a l'escena researching how to deal with the unpredictable and unimaginable, and what happens to it when staged in a theatrical setting.
This residency was part of the Absent Interfaces Project 2008-2010. http://www.sdela.dds.nl/absentinterfaces Blogspot link |